Days 1 - 50 of The 100 Days of Postcards for Project Beloved
As part of #the100dayproject, A Brown House is creating 100 days of postcards to benefit Project Beloved - which strives to educate, advocate & collaborate to change the conversation about sexual assault and empower survivors to find their voices. This non-profit was started by my dear friend, Tracy. Visit to read the whole story.
Be sure and use the Discount Code: PBPostcard so you are not charged shipping.
As part of #the100dayproject, A Brown House is creating 100 days of postcards to benefit Project Beloved - which strives to educate, advocate & collaborate to change the conversation about sexual assault and empower survivors to find their voices. This non-profit was started by my dear friend, Tracy. Visit to read the whole story.
Be sure and use the Discount Code: PBPostcard so you are not charged shipping.
As part of #the100dayproject, A Brown House is creating 100 days of postcards to benefit Project Beloved - which strives to educate, advocate & collaborate to change the conversation about sexual assault and empower survivors to find their voices. This non-profit was started by my dear friend, Tracy. Visit to read the whole story.
Be sure and use the Discount Code: PBPostcard so you are not charged shipping.
All postcards are 4”x6” and created during #the100dayproject will be for sale. They are suitable for refrigerator doors, bulletin boards, or as bookmarks! Remember, these are quick creations, made in a few minutes - not Monets. A majority of the proceeds will benefit Project Beloved.
To contribute to this amazing mission, on Instagram follow @proj_beloved and @abrownhousedesigns and purchase a postcard here. Postcards will be mailed to you through the US Mail without an envelope. Any smudges, postmarks, crumples or creases on the card will let you know you have bought an authentic #100daysofpostcardsprojectbeloved card :)
Tracy thought that you could also buy a postcard to be sent on your behalf to a friend. What a great way to let someone know you care! Brilliant idea, Tracy!